The Library of Rants
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Here's where old rants go to die
Let's start the list:

Date: 02.03.03
     My day was pretty good today. Though I wouldn't recommend living off of vending machines to anyone that is not familiar with nicknames like "Cockroach" or "Remora" (ones that are known for eating anything).
     Thanks to my sister's boyfriend, I've been introduced to the community of NewsBin users. One word for it: Happy-happy-joy-joy (that's a word *shakes fist at onlookers). Having always used KaZaA, I never knew that a reliable source for pirated media existed. To think, that when I clicked on are the parts for the "The Little Mermaid" OST, I'd get them all on my computer in nine minutes, and that they'd be the right files. It's like magic, without the aging effect that took down the mighty Merlin (the guy was only 34). To those out there that don't know about NewsBin, go here now. And as a special treat for coming here, this is the crack so you don't have to pay for it.
     Well, If I think of something to say, I'll be back. But don't count on it. I'll forget about this site again soon after I close off this HTML editing window. Later.

Date: 02.10.03
     Through the use of my good friend, let's call him "PAIN", my girlfriend taught me last night to never to touch a woman's candy. Ever. Never. Ever. Never. Ever. Never. Ever. Never. Ever. Never. Ever. Never. Ever. Never. Ever. "PAIN" is not nice.

Date: 03.10.03
     I'm okay. I do like how so many (Actual Number of Emails: 000) of you sent me letters asking if I was okay.
     I've been mostly catching up on sleep. Sleep am sooooo good.
     Well, I might try (notice both the "might" and the "try"?) and upload some of my drawings. I did a really cute drawing of Icarus (my Southern America Flying Squirrel), but Gabby has it. Meaning, I must redo it. But this time I'm only redoing it for YOU! So don't expect my best work. :-P

Date: 03.24.03
      Not much new to say. I should be able to make it to Spring Break next week. I have a couple plans. Might even get photos. Though I doubt I'll post them. :-P

Date: 04.07.03
      Ah. I like Spring Break. Too bad it's over.
      I learned that I love the beach. Though it's probably seeing my girlfriend in a bathing suit that I like. She is a lovely sight to see. ;)
      I spent most of my Spring Break volunteering for a Pysch Report I have due in two weeks. Go me! I'll start it the day before it's due. Doing that has kept me with A's thus far, no sense in changing from something that works.
      Not much more to say. Though I do have a message for you, Janine. "¿Es eso un plátano en sus pantalones, o es usted apenas feliz verme?" Give me a fair warning before you attack me. :)

Date: 05.29.03
      Hooray for us (my girlfriend and I). Today is our sixth month anniversary. These past months have been the best of my life. I'm going to go now, before I end up going into too many details and disturb Janine (as I'm sure she's my only reader). :D
           I graduated from my highschool a week ago or so. The only difference I can tell is that I can express myself and carry a knife without worrying that I'll be sent to juvie (again :D).